Total Workforce Solutions II Framework award
Posted on January 2021

Since 2016 we have successfully used HTE’s Total Workforce Solutions framework to support over 40 NHS Trusts and other health organisations annually, with this support ranging from the placement of individual administration and specialist staff, to the deployment of multiple teams to support EPR implementations.
We are pleased confirm our award onto the HealthTrust Europe’s Total Workforce Solutions II (TWS II) framework agreement which will launch on the 1st of February 2021 for NHS and wider public sector providers on a free to access basis. TWSII is an NHSE&I approved framework and Venn Group will support Lot 4a Non-Clinical Bands 1-7 and Lot4b Non-Clinical Bands 6-9, including VSM and Executive Recruitment.
“We are delighted to be awarded onto TWS II and will continue to utilize the TWS framework to provide key support to clients in non-clinical areas. Recently our non-clinical staff in areas such as HR IT, Procurement and Estates Management have played a critical role supporting their front-line clinical colleagues, and the use of TWS supports the NHS’ drive to engage framework approved suppliers”.
Senior Operations Manager for the Midlands, Tom Brown
“Our awarded supplier community is robustly vetted to give providers assurance on quality, safety, service and price, facilitating partnership working that supports good practice, removes off framework use and develops mutual opportunity.
More than this, HTE is a partner in the journey for providers, STPs and ICS' at a system level - We are committed to pro-actively delivering controls, change, long term sustainability, social value and alignment to the NHS People Plan”.
Gary Snart Director HTE TWS II Lead
For further information about HTE’s TWSII framework please contact:
Tom Brown – Senior Operations Manager
Mike Range – Contracts Manager
Gary Snart – HTE TWS Lead
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