Happy Father’s Day to all our marvellous Venn Group Dads.
We salute how you have balanced work, schooling and parenting and risen to the challenges this year has thrown up. We spoke to this year’s Dads about being Dad and their new arrivals.
Max Gray
“Sleepless nights, tantrums, stinking nappies but a smile that makes it the best job in the world 😊”
Adam Britton
“Nothing prepares you fully for fatherhood, it’s an emotional rollercoaster but one I would not change for the world - I’ve loved every minute of it”
James de St Croix
"Sophie is now 6 and Mia is 8 months. They’ve both taught me that everything I do is now about supporting and guiding them in their lives, and I’ve realised that they’ve both already got me wrapped around their little fingers!"
Moynul Islam
"I love being a dad and I’d like to say I’m doing a good job of it. It brings joy to my life and I feel content."
Joe Olenka
“Hard to believe that my little “Elsie Chelsea” is nearly 1! Despite testing my patience and sanity to the limit on a daily basis, I cannot imagine my life without her. I feel an enormous sense of pride in watching her grow into a beautiful young girl and will never get tired of seeing her cheeky smile when I walk through the door when I get home from work!”
Happy Father’s Day