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​Proud to be….

Posted on October 2021

Red, orange and green venn diagram

We are really looking forward to celebrating Black History Month this October. This year’s theme is “Proud to be” and throughout the month we will be sharing the stories of inspirational Black Brits, people that our black community are so proud to follow in the steps of, we’ll be holding a weekly internal quiz and also talking to our employees about their pride in their heritage and culture.

Ken Kittoe, our Diversity, Inclusion and Engagement Associate said “A diverse and inclusive culture is something we are constantly striving for and we recognise that education is going to play a large part in changing minds and inspiring hearts – a big thank you to both Leonie Williams and Louise Francis who will be sharing their insight and to all the Venn Group black community for their input”

A commitment to listen and learn is the founding principle of our D&I strategy, and we are excited to seize this opportunity to educate and celebrate black culture, history and heritage