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Preparing for Your Interview

Posted on May 2022

two women at job interview smiling and shaking hands

​For over two decades we have supported individuals in their careers by sharing with them the best of our specialist insight and knowledge. We know the difference interview preparation makes and have created a list of our top tips to support candidates in securing the perfect role.

Do your research

Researching the company will ensure you know how you can add value to their organisation and at interview ask the right questions to find out what you need to know about your future employer. Review their:

·         Website – About us, organisation values, latest news etc.

·         Social media

·         LinkedIn – Company page and individuals


Review the job specification and your CV

A full understanding of the brief will enable you to target your answers to the skills they are looking for. Match requirements to your achievements and prepare answers using the STAR technique (see below).

Have both of these documents to hand for reference. It’s worth checking with your consultant that you have the correct version of your CV as we will have tailored your application for the role.


Prepare for possible questions

Every interview like every job is different. However, certain questions always come up. So, prepare answers for questions about your strengths and weaknesses, why you want the job and what your goals are.


Use the STAR technique for answers

This technique will ensure your answers evidence success. Select a relevant achievement and break down your answer as follows:

S - Describe the situation and set the scene

T - Give specifics about the task and what were you working towards

A - Explain what action you took, highlighting the skills and personal attributes you used

R - Finally, describe the result, what happened and what you achieved


Guidance for different formats

Telephone – Choose a quiet space with a good signal

Face to face – Know your route, allow extra time and prepare small talk

Video interviews – Test the technology beforehand and have a neutral background where you won’t be disturbed

Applicable to all formats

·         Smile – yes, it makes a difference on the phone too

·         Wear something you feel confident in – your consultant can always advise on applicable dress codes

·         Take your time to answer questions

·         Close your interview by asking if they need any more detail on any of your answers



Don’t shy away from asking for further clarification on a question or asking to start your answer again if you have gone off track.


Be yourself

Remember they chose to see you, so be confident, authentic, and focused.


If you would like further support in your job search, click here to contact us and we will be there to guide you every step of the way.