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Kim Parsons Promotion

Posted on March 2023

Female recruitment manager promotion
Congratulations to Kim Parsons on your promotion to Manager of our Midlands Housing and Education team. We heard from Kim about her successful career with us:


I’m hugely appreciative to Venn Group for all the guidance I have received since joining in August 2018. I am very much the cliché, as I fell into recruitment back in 2018 with little to no idea of what I was stepping into.

I started my career with the Social Housing & Support team; I became incredibly passionate about the sector and recruitment as a whole, and knew this was a career path I wished to follow. Four years down the line, I was asked about my aspirations and whether I wanted to pursue an opportunity in Management, leading a further team: Education and Academic Strategy.

The support I have received from my team has been fantastic, we have pulled together and supported one another through the highs and lows of recruitment. I am very proud of how much we have achieved after a perfect end to our first quarter. This is not just a celebration for myself but for the whole team, and I can’t wait to celebrate their successes with promotions in due course.


We also heard from Kim’s Director, Greg Jones, who has supported her throughout her career:


"Kim started her career at Venn Group in 2018 and soon gained a reputation as an expert in recruiting for her sector. Her passion for this market is unquestionable, she is tenacious, positive, creative and a huge asset to the company. Her exceptional achievements are the result of her hard work, commitment to providing long-term solutions to her clients and contractors and the personal development of her team. I am positive this team will continue to go from strength to strength and I look forward to seeing their success."

Greg Jones, Director